Featured at State of the Map 2024
These items will be featured at the 2024 State of the Map Conference in Nairobi, Kenya on 6-8 September.
This story map describes and demonstrates how OpenStreetMap (OSM) data is accessible in ArcGIS, and how ArcGIS users can help to improve OSM with their GIS data. Learn the various ways in which you can access OSM data for your work, and how you can share data to be used in OSM.
This story map features OpenStreetMap webmaps for the Pacific Region, a live OSM feature count dashboard, and 3D OpenStreetMap features of Suva, Fiji.
This app is used to visualize, explore, and summarized OpenStreetMap Feature locations and counts in Africa. It updates frequently.
This app features several map styles that are available from Esri for the OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap. You can use the app to compare styles for one place, or to explore a single style in many places.
This app is used to visualize, explore, and summarized OpenStreetMap Feature locations and counts.
Welcome to the Rapid editor for OpenStreetMap. Rapid is an enhanced version of the iD editor. With this editor you can update OpenStreetMap right from your web browser. Rapid includes tools for accessing ArcGIS Datasets shared by Esri Community Maps contributors.
This topographic scene, designed to be used as a basemap in 3D, is based on the Daylight map distribution of OSM data and is hosted by Esri. The cartographic presentation is an Esri Topographic style.
OpenStreetMap Content in ArcGIS
Below is a selection of layers, maps, scenes, and apps that include OSM data prepared for use in ArcGIS. Visit the Gallery for more.
OpenStreetMap Data in ArcGIS
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map of the world built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, buildings, cafés, addresses, and much more. Esri is a proud supporter of OpenStreetMap, and a Gold Corporate Member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
ArcGIS provides access to OSM data in many ways, including Esri-hosted 2D and 3D basemaps and live feature layers, which enable you to display, query, and analyze the data. This site is managed by Esri and features the OSM data that we have published, all of which is freely available for you to use in your maps and apps, with proper license and attribution to OpenStreetMap Contributors.
The OpenStreetMap name and logo are trademarks of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and used with their permission.
This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.